The Long Road Ahead….
You may be asking what I mean by the long road ahead. Well let me give you some background. I am not sure how many of you know that I am a born again Christian. I have had my ups and downs in my walk with Christ but the past 3-4 years have been the darkest and the lowest part of my walk than I can ever remember. Things were on the up and up, financially and family wise. When things are good, my tendency is always to say, “I did this! God did not do anything! I can do it all on my own!”. That mantra has been what I have followed during this time. Slowly but surely things began to slide with that mentality. I had my eyes always set on what is the new thing I can buy. Oooh! Look at that shiny new computer! Oh man I need those 32″ monitors! The list could go on and on. Needless to say, using credit cards and charge accounts became my life once again. I realized on Sunday while at church that I was at a precipice, about to fall off into the abyss. God spoke to me, urging me to realize that He was there and always has been. It hit me like a ton of bricks. I have not been turning to Him, talking to Him, leaning on Him to get me through it all. Worry had become a daily thing although I would never show it to anyone. Now I am not worried any more because I know God is in control. Some decisions will have to be made to get a handle on all the debt we have racked up over the years, but I am content that whatever is decided will come from God. Now I know that I have a lot of friends that do not believe in God and may laugh and scoff at this post. That’s OK. I love all of you no matter where you stand spiritually. But I know I am not the only one that has struggled in this area. I am hoping this post will help someone else going through something similar. So what do I mean by the long road ahead? Healing and following the right path is not a quick or short process. It takes time. A long road may seem like forever, but all good things take time and I know as long as I lean on God the ride will be easier.