It’s been a while….
Hey everyone! I have let my personal blog slack. Been so busy I honestly forgot all about it. I hope to post more but life does get in the way.
If you love books, I do have a YouTube channel now, although there is not a ton of content there yet. Here is one of the videos:
Please subscribe to my channel so you will know when new content has been posted. I am also looking for recommendations on content for the channel so please feel free to comment.
I did just finish a new book that I really enjoyed. It is a Star Wars book called Shadow of the Sith.
Since the older Star Wars novels (before Disney took over the Star Wars franchise) are no longer canon, the story of Luke Skywalker after Return of the Jedi had to be rewritten. This was a good start to that. I will say that a lot of the Star Wars books that I try to read start off too slow and I never get very far. This one kept my interest the entire way. Maybe it is because I am very familiar with the characters (Luke and Lando are the main characters). New characters are sometimes hard to get into, but if the author’s writing style is decent, I can usually make it through. Anyway, if you like Star Wars and want to get some filler after Return of the Jedi and the Disney Star Wars trilogy, then grab this book. The link to buy it off Amazon is below. Have a good day!